the eye;
windows of the soul
Instead of responding to sunlight, “the eye” interacts with the human activities of the residents. Throughout the daylight analysis from energyplus and ladybug, the direction of the sunlight can be controlled regadless of the rotation of sun. Therefore, people can re-direct sunlight according to their space usage. Which also, means the exterior of the facade will be shaped by the dynamic activity behind its layer. The typical facade had one way connection, seeing outside from inside, however, “the eye” opens mutual communication by the movement of facade.

daylight analysis on June 21st

when facade re-directs to the middle

when facade re-directs to the upper-right

when facade re-directs to the down-right

when facade re-directs to the upper-right

when facade re-directs to the down-left
in conclusion, the re-directing facade allows the residents to control the projection of the natural light. it makes people less dependent on the time of a day.