Designing visuo-haptic illusions for Virtual Reality applications using floor-based shape-changing displays (IASDR 2023)
Large-scale haptic displays offer the opportunity to create fully immersive experiences in Virtual Reality (VR). In particular, floor-based pin-array shape displays allow the creation of worlds with complex textures and walkable terrain patterns. However, the size and resolution of these terrains are typically limited by the physical constraints of the actuating hardware, negatively impacting the designing of VR experiences. To overcome these limitations, we propose the usage of visuo-haptic illusions for floorbased shape displays, effectively creating the illusion for terrains of a larger size and of a higher resolution. Following closely related prior work, we have conducted two user studies with 32 participants to determine the threshold of the visuo-haptic illusions and their impact on the perception of shape display resolution. Our findings offer potential solutions to the physical limitations of floorbased shape displays and provide insight into enhancing the overall VR experience to give more freedom to designers to create haptic feedback using pin-array shape displays.
Nargiz Askarbekkyzy, Yilong Lin, Kongpyung (Justin) Moon, Andrea Bianchi, and Seungwoo Je. Designing visuo-haptic illusions for Virtual Reality applications using floor-based shape-changing displays. In Proceedings of the tenth Congress of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR 2023)